Saturday, December 10, 2011

Samoan Fia Fia Performance

Friday was an awesome Fia Fia day. The sun was out in full force and so were our parents. The classrooms were full of parents being shown lots of quality work done by their children. It was great seeing parents being so proud of their children and even better seeing proud children showing off their parents !

Enjoy the Samoan Fia Fia group performance. Well done everyone !

Friday, December 9, 2011

Amazing Amazon

Here is Flynn's inquiry project all about the Amazon. He did all the work himself, including making his original soundtrack using Garageband.

Well done Flynn. You worked super hard!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Birdies Almost Dead

It all started when me and my class, Room13 went for a swim. We left our classroom windows open as it was very hot. When we came back all the Year 6 kids next to our class were yelling at us that something bad had happened.  When we got back from our swim we had to wait outside to see what happened to our birdies.Then a teacher called Ruth from Room 11 told us that she saw our budgies flying next to her classroom.  A cat called Pepper knocked over the cage and one of our birdies called Nudge got out but Ruth shooed Nudge back into the class and she ran for help from Margaret. Eventually they caught the birds and  put them back in their very broken cage.  Nudge bit Margaret but she's ok. Andrea let the birdies rest in the office. Luckily the birds lived. Their little chests were going up and down because they were so scared. When Andrea got home she looked for a new cage on the internet. Lucky for us, Andrea's nanny, Lesley, had an old cage we could use in the meantime. Nudge and Tweet are now getting used to their new cage and soon we will let them come back into the classroom once they are calm.  We don't want Pepper to come back and finish what he started! Now we close our door everytime we leave the class and make sure all the windows are closed.

By Syris

 Our beautiful, broken cage.
New Cage
Nudge and Tweet
having a playdate
with Room 12s birds!

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