Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Room 2 Angels

Room 2 were inspired by the "With One Loaf" project and this raised the word poverty. We had a class discussion about poverty and what it means and who it affects.

The class decided we could sell our art and give the money to the people who may struggle over Christmas because of going through a hard time. Our class talked about what it would feel like to be a kid on Christmas morning and not have anything new or flash to open.

We looked at charities and decided to give to the City Mission and become City Mission Angels. 

We made Christmas decorations and then made invitation and invited our families to a pre- Fia Fia Day sale. 

We had a friends and family sale and lots of family visited our classroom and generously bought our decorations. 

We made $363.50 for the City Mission. 

How did we feel about helping people?

Jed - It makes me feel like I want to help the whole world." 

I think that sums it up. Room 2 angels - you are amazing! 


Greenstone Tiki

Today we has a specialist art lesson with Lucille's mum, Dianne. She is a high school art teacher. 

Dianne talked to us about the art we were going to do and the meaning behind it.

What we Learned:

We learned that greenstone can only be found in the South Island. 
It is also called pounamu. 

Sometimes the Maori put paua in the carving for the eyes.

We painted our tikis using dark colours first and then chose lighter colours like green and greenish yellow to make the tiki look like it's been carved. Dianne then let us choose paua design eyes and she hot glued them onto the tikis for us because hot glue is very hot.

Then Andrea's daughter tied the green strings on and Theo, Andrea's son took our photos. 

Our tikis might be Christmas tree ornaments or we might hang them on our walls. 

Thanks Dianne for a great morning. 

Room 2

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Chocolate Factory

When I went to Dunedin I went to the chocolate factory and I saw a chocolate fountain. If you put your tongue on it, chocolate will be on you're tounge. P.S There are lots of chocolates!
By Lucille

Cadbury chocolate factory

A package.

On the weekend a  package came  from  London  inside there was two bags They were meant  to be for my mother but she has so many bags she gave them to me and my sister Sylvie .We played lots of games like bookstores and spies. 

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