Wednesday, July 22, 2009

100 days of learning

Today, July 22nd, is our 100th day of learning at Grey Lynn School. We invited all our parents to come into the classroom and share in our learning and do fun, 100th day activities with us. Our Kauri Team also set a challenge - We had to see if we could bring one hundred cans of food for the Auckland City Mission. We only had 2 days to do this and the Kauri Team only has 94 students in it. One day one we had about 70 cans of food, but by today - the 100th Day, we had 215 cans of food.

How awesome is that????

We made fairy bread with 100's and 1000's and got to eat it in the class. Yummy!

We also had to estimate how long the line of tinned cans would be and it was 16.4 metres long. 6 people won with a close estimate of 16 metres. They get to have some yummy Pebbles with their lunch!!!

We did an item called A Team called Kauri and we sang it to the theme from The Brady Bunch - which we know nothing about , but our teachers remember it from their youth.

Our day is still going on and we are busy doing 100th Day activities and having lots of fun.

Enjoy reading about our adventures in Term 3. There will be many!

Ka Kite,

Room 8


  1. Sounds like you really did have a fun day Room 8. I think your teachers have used lots of imagination to create all those learning activities. I am glad lots of parents came to take part as well because it would have been a fun day for them too.
    Mrs Burt

  2. Hi Room 8, fairy bread sounds yummy. We made some too. Don't eat too much! Did you count the senior's cans? I did, there were 88!
    What?! You don't know the Brady Bunch?? I do. I watch little clips of it on Youtube!
    Can you tell me one of the other activities you did?
    From Maia in Room 10.

  3. you must have had to do lots of hard work by doing lots of things like sing some songs I was there because I am in room9 grey lynn school


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