Monday, August 29, 2011

How nervous it was to be in the speech finals.

We got in the school speech finals in the Totara speeches. We were very nervous, especially Elijah. Ten people had to say their speech but the worst part for Elijah was there were a lot of people and James' worst part was when he had to say his speech because he thought he was going to go first. But Elijah was first and he was so nervous he got some words wrong. All the people did good speeches. The audience was very respectful. But me and James didn't win, but this girl named Queenie won and her topic was the theater. By Elijah & James    

James and Elijah with their certificates. Way to go boys !


  1. Hi James and Elijah.
    We really enjoyed listening to your speech! They were very interesting and persuasive.
    You looked confident on the outside!

  2. Way to go James and Elijah
    I thought your speeches were fantastic! You year fours so tick the boxes in confidence.


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