Monday, February 27, 2012

Ina's Bad Fall

On Friday I had a really bad fall off the Grey Lynn school steps. It was really painful so I had to go to the sick bay, but after that I had to go to Starship hospital.   It was really sore because I had to have an x-ray.  It was a little bet sore so after that so I got a treat from my mum. It was a little chocolate and it was really good but the doctor said I was not allowed chocolate because my leg was getting swollen so I had to get another  x-ray and this x-ray was hurting a lot more so my mum gave me a chip, but it was not nice becauseIi didn't like bbq chips. After that I went in to a really cool room to get on my cast. It was heavy so my mum had to hold my cast and then I had to hold it all by myself.  It was getting lighter so it was all finished. I got my crutches and I went back home.

By Ina


  1. Hi Ina, I have seen you with your cast and crutches at school this week and had wondered what had happened, so thank you for writing a recount to let us all know. I think your class mates are doing a great job helping you. I'm sure you will be whizzing around on your crutches by the end of the week. Do you get a colored cast on soon and if so what color will you choose?

  2. Ouch! that must of hurt.

    Joshua OD

  3. Ouch! that must of hurt
    when you fall

    from Leticha carlton school

  4. Hi Ina,
    Sorry about the bad fall. I wish I could help. Hopefully youre alright.

    Georgia from Carlton School

  5. Sorry to here about that Ina

    from JoshuaL Damien


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