Friday, March 23, 2012

A great and Addicting Day

 On the weekend me and my sister Jaime started to make a robot.  It was a great idea. I got 2 boxes, 10 pieces of paper, 4 toilet rolls, 1roll of tinfoil,and 2 tinfoil rolls. First we painted the ipod. Then we painted the earplugs. Next we wrapped the 2 tinfoil rolls in tinfoil. Next we folded the paper and attached it to the bottom of the box same with arms. I  haven't it finished yet but I will this weekend. Bye

Felix W


  1. Hi Felix,

    I very much enjoyed your blog about the robot. It really is a fine looking guy. The tin foil makes it look realistic and now I know where to find the earplugs haha. That is a great picture too, isn't that the laundry window where the robot now sits? Also, your description for making the robot is very clear should anyone else wish to make a robot i'm sure your blog will be helpful to them.


    Jacqui Watson

  2. Robots remind me of Michael Jackson.

  3. Great blog Felix. I think it is going to look cool when it's finished. If you need any help to get it done let me know as I would like to help.


  4. sounds awesome. Can I see it when I come to your house next.

    1. of cores you can jake and you have been invited to my house for a play on Monday!

  5. Can't wait to see your robot Felix. Perhaps you can make it help poppa to mow the lawns when you tweak it a bit!!!

    1. I am soooooooo sorry but it is
      made out of cardboard ): hahahahahaha


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