Monday, April 30, 2012

The Evil Rabbit.

My rabbit is really evil,
A week ago she dug a hole in the garden and ran FREE!
At first my mum called my grandma and said:"Come over! The rabbit's gone!" This all happened when I was at school so my mum told me in the evening all about it.
When I saw her shopping list it said: crackers, milk,cheese and RABBITS!?
That really made me freak out and worried. In the end, she was herded back into her cage and had a quite severe punishing. I think she is the most cheeky rabbit in the world.



  1. What a cheeky rabbit Violet. My grandma told me she makes a delicious rabbit stew. If your rabbit is really naughty, maybe we could show her the recipe! Then she would behave herself!

  2. What a cheeky rabbit Violet. I've all way's wanted
    a rabbit but after your blog i don't fell like
    having one.


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