Thursday, May 3, 2012

Knock Down Tenpin Bowling

On Sunday me, Oska,Oliver and Kaya went to tenpin bowling. Once we got there dad paid and the person gave us our shoes and we got started. Kaya started. Oska went second. Oliver went third and I went last. On my first go I got a strike and on my second to last go was also a strike. I was amazed. After our 30 minute game we had chips. Dad gave us 6 tokens and two dollars. Oska went to Animal kasier. Well I did something sneaky. I went deal or no deal. I won 50 tickets. WOW! Since my luckier score I played again but I only won 23 tickets. Since I was greedy I went to one more game and lucky me, I won 50 tickets [I did not hijack it {I am to young}and I asked Oliver if he wanted to combine tickets and he said yes so I gave him my tickets and went to Oska. So we went to the ticket eater and me and Oliver had 143 tickets well Oska went bozom when he saw the number so we spend all our tickets and we went home.

By Jack


  1. Hi Jack, sounds like you had a lot of luck with your ticket winning. I am wondering what you ended up using your 143 tickets on?

  2. I love ten pin bowling too! I went with my family, I came second and my grandma won. It was great fun. From Riley


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