Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Two Little Brothers

My little brothers are my job. Everyday I come home to my very busy job, my brothers. My first shift is my baby brother. He was born nine weeks ago. As soon as I come into the house mum gives him to me with her face full of joy. My second shift is my other little brother. He was born six years ago. I have to feed him, shower him and get hime dressed. I have to come home from school to work. HELP. By Kahma


  1. What a great big sister you are Kahma!

  2. Jacqui Watson (Felix W's mum)May 19, 2012, 3:18:00 PM

    I sympathise with you and your mum Kahma, I have little ones to look after and they completely wear me out! Haha.

    p.s. I LOVE the first sentence of your blog. It's really "punchy", I couldn't wait to read more!


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