Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cucumber the guinea pig.

Yesterday I got a guinea pig her name is....CUCUMBER!!!
She is six weeks old and is very cute.
The cat is far to interested in her and she lives in the bath!
Now I have three vegetables Pickles, Raddish and Cucumber how cute!
I love all of them so much.

by Violet.


  1. Hi Violet,

    Are Pickles and Raddish guinea pigs too?

  2. My daughter had a pet guinea pig. We also had trouble with our cat taking an exceptionally high interest in the guinea pig.

  3. Awe, Cucumber is really sweet. Felix was telling me all about your pet vegetables :) My friend Dianne has a guinea pig called Lily Pet. She loves spinach. Sadly she ate too much and now she is recovering from a very sore tummy.


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