Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I wonder....

In Room 14 we have been experimenting with different ways of learning.  We created an "I wonder" wall where we just wonder about things. We will try to answer some of them but we talked about how some questions may never have answers.

We were inspired to wonder after listening to Will i AM's new song, Reach for the Stars, that was broadcast live from Mars. Yes. We said Mars, as in the red planet, as in outer space.
We did a Venn diagram to compare us and Will i AM and we discovered we have a lot of the same qualities. Will i AM never stopped wondering about things and now his music was the first ever sent from outer space.

Have you ever wondered about anything? Share them with us.

Enjoy the movie. It was our first try at using the green screen.

I wonder from Kowhai Kiwi Bloggers on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Rm14, hows life on Mars?

    What an excellent exercise. Normally I have small 'wonders' like 'who didn't flush the toilet' but you have inspired me to have bigger ones. Today I am wondering why we make tears when we cry?

  2. Wow, I have so many more wonders of my own after listening to yours. I'm going to share this with Room 3 and we'll get back to you and share our wonders.

    I'd love to know what you find out about your wonders.

    I've always wondered why the grass is green.

  3. Wonder on Room 14 as this can lead to other exciting things like exploring what if questions.

    What if I new why the grass is green what would I do with this information.

    What if we imagined what the future will be like what would we change hear and now.

    I wonder what classrooms of the future will look like. What if I was a classroom 'future teacher' what would I be teaching and the children learning.

    keep wondering about what if questions because thats what makes learning fun.

  4. Hi Room 14,

    Leo, Jozier said that you'll need a big net to catch clouds. Charlotte said that you can't touch clouds because if you stand on them you will melt through and she thinks that clouds are made of water.

    We've just wondered our own wonders. We'll let you know when they're on our blog.

    Thanks for inspiring us!

    Room 3

  5. Hi Room 14,

    One of the students wondered who invented words. That really got me thinking!!

  6. Hi Kowhai Kiwi bloggers. Thanks for commenting on G4's blog (ourlearningjourney). I love all of your videos, particularly your green screen footage! We wonder about a lot of things in G4 too, which is why we have an 'I wonder..' blog :)


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