Thursday, November 1, 2012

Celebrations Using Tagxedo

We have been learning about celebrations. Today we listed all the celebrations we could think of. We also wrote our four favorite celebrations, but first we brainstormed and used different web based programs to display our learning.

First we used tagxedo. Tagxedo makes word clouds. It can organise your words into shapes. We chose shapes that reflected our Celebrations unit.

Here they are:

  A tagxedo in the shape of a pumpkin for the Celebration of Hallowe'en.

Tagxedo in the shape of Cupid for the Celebration of love - Valentine's Day.

If you want to make one of your own, click here:


  1. Tagxedo is a cool word and those are cute pictures room 14.

    Thanks for the link to make my own Molly, i'm already dreaming up different applications; birthday or Christmas cards, or picture hangings for the bedroom wall. I could use words to describe the recipient of the card or owner of the room, they would make a cute gifts. Just in time for Christmas!

  2. Another excellent way of playing with words.


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