Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's all about Practise!

Room 16 has been working hard on their basic facts and improving their speed. 

We have joined Sumdog Maths which is a fun way to practise all maths. When we get enough points we can go into the online shop and buy fun things for our character. 
We have also entered the Sumdog contest where we will challenge other students in Auckland. It starts on July 5th.

We have also started using, Are you a Maths Magician site to practise our times tables. In Year 3 we need to know our 1,2 and 5 times tables automatically.

We will report how the contest goes after July 12th. 

Room 16

1 comment:

  1. Hola Room 16,
    Good to see you found another way to learn your timetables.


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