Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Lorax by Dr Seuss

We read The Lorax. We wrote about it and also drew how we can be a Lorax at school.

I responded to the text by drawing a picture of my favourite scene using Kid Pix.


  1. HI Ruth,

    I haven't read The Lorax or even seen the movie!

    Do you think Room 7 kids would like to read this?

    Great job on your Kidpics!

    From Bryan Room 7

  2. Hi Ruth,
    I'm from Riddells Creek, Victoria, Australia I was born in New Zealand but I moved to Australia when I was three.
    In 2012 we made claymations in our class about the lorax we took a photo and moved them a little bit then took another photo moved so on so forth then we sped it up and it looked like it was moving.
    could you please come to our blog @ mngrcps.global2.vic.edu.au

  3. Hi Ruth and Year 3 Scribblers,
    You have been very busy doing wonderful work. We are going to read the Lorax this week! We will share our thought about it with you when we are finished.
    Mrs T and walkthisway1.edublogs.org

  4. Ruth I like your Lorax picture because it is colourful and detailed. I find it hard to draw on kidpix.

    From Zylah.


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