Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Going to China

In two weeks. I'm going to China. with my mum Jacqui her friend Meredith and her daughter Emma and her cousin Denise.We are going to Beijing. we are going to see the great wall of China. I cannot wait to blog when I come home and tell you all about it.
By mia v


  1. You lucky thing Mia,
    What an exciting trip you have planned. I can't wait to read your blog and read about your adventures in China.


  2. WOW China, you are so lucky Mia.
    I visited China in 1999, a long time ago. I loved it, i'm sure you will too.

    Why don't you try learning to count to 10 using hand gestures called 'finger counting'. Chinese Finger Counting is widely used in China.

    Also Mia, did you know you can see the Great Wall of China from space?

    Have a wonderful holiday,

    Jacqui (Mum to Felix Room5)


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