Monday, March 28, 2011

My New Budgie

On the weekend I got a budgie named Sparkles. He is only a baby so I think he is zero. He is a bit chatty and one time he made a lot of ringing noises and it was are sleepy time so I tried to get some rest. He realised that it was night time. He was chirping so loud you could here it to the other end of the house to the other end. I love Sparkles. 



  1. Hello Chelsea
    Sparkles sounds like great pet and that you like him a lot. He also sounds like a noisy little creature too. Whats your favourite thing about Sparkles?
    From Alyssa

  2. Hi Chelsea
    sparkles sounds really really cute and cuddly I would love it as a pet.
    Would you put sparkles on it?
    if you did and you let it out of the cage. it would fly around like a sparrow

    From Jack

  3. Allie - Nina's MumMar 30, 2011, 7:11:00 PM

    Hi Chelsea, Sparkles sounds like he has a big voice for a baby Budgie. What colours is he? I bet you are having fun having a new pet. Do you have to clean out his cage?
    From Allie - Nina's Mum.

  4. My new pet is white with blue on it's chest. He is a really cute pet. Me and dad cleaned out the cage it was a big mess.

    From Chelsea


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