Thursday, June 2, 2011

Have you got the time?

Well Room 13 does....or we're getting it. Our student teacher Kade is teaching us all how to tell time and how to use the correct terms when saying the time.

Here is a short video we made on our ipad2.

What do you think?

Untitled from Room13 GLS on Vimeo.


  1. Hi iRoom 13,
    My goodness what great teachers you have. It is so important to be able to tell the time. Good to see that you know how to Maia. I look forward to seeing more of your learning. All in good time.


  2. Hi Room 13,

    We have been learning about the time in Room 2 as well. It was really interesting to see you can make the time without any numbers on the clock! Very clever.

    From Kate

  3. Sandie and Kate took the words right out of my mouth! I agree with both of them.
    I know you all worked really hard today in maths with Kade. You were all so focussed. Great learning Room 13!

  4. i liked how the kids knew what the time is. The teacher said how do you make half past eight and they knew! They were amazing! What are you going to work on next?
    From Francis at Stonefields School.

  5. Hi Room 13,

    I really enjoyed watching your movie about time. Room 1 is learning to read analogue clocks too! You were all doing such a great job. I am impressed because reading the time is a tricky thing to do. Keep up the hard work!

    Donna from Room 1

  6. Hi Room 13, what I like about your clocks is that you can easily tell which is the long hand and which is the short hand because that makes a difference to the time. Keep up the great time making and telling. It is a really important thing to know and we all need to use it each day.


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