Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just in case you didn't know...

How to eat a lolly... By James, Eli, Aiden and Harry

WALT write and follow a set of instructions!

Here are the boys, instructing us on how to eat a lolly. How do you think they did? Were their instructions clear? Is there anything they could do better next time? Which part was your favourite?

Leave us a comment as we LOVE comments.


  1. So you choose a topic I love, eating! well done on the instructions and will let you know if I have the same results. Otalani

  2. Jacqui Watson (Felix Ws mum)May 31, 2012, 9:46:00 AM

    Hi James, Eli, Aiden and Harry

    My favorite part was when James said "... make sure the lolly doesn't fall out" and OUT it tumbles(cue instant replay) giggle giggle, very comical. I also like how you said/wrote "STUFF it in your mouth" instead of "PUT", "stuff" sounds more exciting. Well done boys.

  3. Hi James, Eli, Aiden and Harry,

    We liked watching your video about eating lollies. We really enjoyed the instant replay! Next time you could look at the camera more as we want to see your wonderful faces!

    From Room 16


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