Sunday, May 27, 2012

No time for Show and Tell? Use an iPad !

Phoenix brought in something very unique to share with the class. We ran out of time so James and Phoenix worked together and used the iPad to record the show and tell story.

First Phoenix wrote down what he wanted to share. James helped him with the writing process.

Then James used the iPad to record Phoenix reading his script.
They also took pictures using the iPad to share the unique show and tell.
They also made a comic strip using the Comic APP.

Finally Andrea imported their footage and made an iMovie.

James and Phoenix's next step is to make their own iMovie.

Well done boys ! you want to see what the unique show and tell item was?


  1. S Show and Tell by Phoenix (and James)
    K Kind of fascinating
    U Utterly gruesome
    L Like like like!
    L Lovely presentation.

  2. Awesome phoenix!I'v never seen a reel skull before,
    but after that i don't want to :P.

  3. Cool vidoes by room 16


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