Thursday, August 23, 2012

Night Sky

Shining shape in the night sky,
sitting  there ,with other  pointy shapes also
in the night sky.



  1. Talofa Romy,
    The way you have made your picture look like a night sky is very interesting. The stars look like they are moving around like shining shapes. Well done.Short sweet and to the point, a good poem.

  2. What an impressive piece of art work. People by huge money for work like this - a poet and an artist; great combination.

  3. Hi Romy,

    I like how you have repeated the "sh" sound in your first sentence, "Shining Shapes in the night Sky". "Pointy" is a great word to throw in, not only does it describes something sharp, but it SOUNDS sharp compared with the soft "shh" sounds around it. Read your poem aloud to yourself Romy, you will hear what a treasure it is. Well done.


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