Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Wishing star

The sparkling sky lights glowing upon us shining bright 
Waiting to grant a wish of a dreaming child.
Shooting gracefully through the night sky to make sure no one's peeking  
Then they bring out their magic. 
These diamonds of the sky are the lights that lead as through the dark.  

By Kahma


  1. Talofa Kahma, I like your drawing and the different colours in the sky make it look interesting. Good title and I love the line ....gracefully through the night sky to make sure no one is peeking...sounds like the star is watching us. Good job.

  2. Yes I agree with Otalani and I especially like the way you have used the word gracefully as if the stars are dancers of the night!

  3. Kia ora Kahma, I agree with Otalani too! Great use of language.

  4. Hi Kahma,

    What a pleasure your poem is. You have experimented with different ideas and descriptors applied in different ways to good effect, an excellent read! Keep experimenting. Keep exploring words and how they may be used. Keep combining words from your extensive vocabulary in new ways. I look forward to reading more.


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