Monday, August 13, 2012

The Javelin

Javelin is cool how the players can throw their sticks really high up and far away. I wish I was a javelin thrower.

By Felipe


  1. Hello Felipe,

    There's nothing to stop you from being a javelin thrower, perhaps you can try with the rakau first.

  2. Felipe,

    I agree there is nothing stopping you from having ago. Sir Edmond Hillary once said, 'Nothing ventured nothing gained.'

  3. Hi Felipe,

    I think Javelin is a jaw-dropping event too. My mum used to throw the javelin. She was very good and won a few medals (not Olympic ones :)). She practiced a lot. I hope you give it a try.

  4. Talofa Felipe,
    I like the way you used the bucket fill to give you drawing an interesting look. Good sharing and if you practice hard you can throw anything high into the air.
    ps keep working on saying those basic facts quickly. Fa for now


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