Friday, September 7, 2012

Beavers and Moose (poem)

A poem inspired by sculpting a Canadian symbol into clay at the Art Station.

Beavers, beavers can hit leavers 
With their tails and they send mail. 
Moose, moose 
Chocolate mousse 
The enemies of the goose.

By Molly


  1. Interesting poem Molly. I like the moose mousse analogy.

  2. Hi Molly. Thanks so much for posting your extraordinary poem. It is cheerful, cheeky and fun. I can imagine kids chanting it while they skip with a rope in the playground. I agree with Mr Barker, the analogy Moose and Mousse is great, also the repeated "m" sounds Mail, Moose, Moose again and Mousse. Excellent choice of words Molly.


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