Monday, March 20, 2017

The new classes

At Grey Lynn school, Mr Barker wants the old classes to go to make room  for eight new classes. Mr Barker wants all the Kowhai classes to be knocked down and we are going to go up to the field. Soon then we are moving to the field. We are moving in term  two and that's this year. It's exciting. By Leo 

Building progress March 20th. 2017

Building progress March 20th. 2017


  1. Talofa Leo
    Good sharing and I think the whole school is glad your team is going first. I like the photos you have. We are all waiting for four more buildings and I think its happening this week! Keep up the good sharing Leo.

  2. Thanks Leo for sharing information about the new buildings .
    Yes it will be an exciting time shifting.


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